Oh, hello there...

Isn't it time to find YOUR voice.

Digital Marketing Extraordinaire creative think tank executer of big ideas

More About Us
live more or more media

Digital Marketing is just a big game of show and tell

Profile Picture

If they don't see that you exist, then you don't exist. Entrepreneurs and business owners alike struggle to stay engaged with their clients, as your primary focus is on increasing market share versus conveying your brands mission, vision and values. Together we can be the voice you need.

did you know (2018)

  • monthly active Youtube users: 1.8 Billion (thats 1,800,000 unique users)
  • small businesses on facebook engaging with clients: 50 Million
  • LinkedIn user profiles: 530 Million
  • SNAPCHAT is snappy: 400 million snaps are shared per day, almost 9,000 photos per second

2018 Social Media active usage (per million)

  • 2,234
  • 1,900
  • 1,000
  • 335
  • 303
How Can we help?

Who is Live More Media?

We are the creators. The conversation starters. The out of the box thinkers. The people behind The Green Curtain showing you off. Uncovering your authentic brand is our passion. Getting your message out to the universe is our priority. After-all, what good is a great idea when its sitting on a shelf collecting dust?

Collaboration Karma Points

Live More Media has a list of extremely talented individuals we've had the pleasure of being associated with. Award winning photographer SLIVER Photography Inc has taken numerous marketing and profile images which are always authentic to brand. View their Lifestyle & Corporate Portfolio and give them some love.
KARMA POINTS: Get $50 off your next photoshoot simply by adding WhoLovesBacon to the subject line and tell them we sent ya!.

Now for the hard sell

What Can We Do For You?

There are many ways to market your business. You can spend the time learning and doing it yourself. You can piece together a Marketing department, pay the overhead and hope you've hired qualified people who will "Drink the Kool-Aid" or you can let us be your marketing Swiss Army knife.

We execute; you Live More.


Projects Completed


Minds Blown


Awards Received


Crazy Ideas


Cups of Coffee



We'd Love To Hear From You

Questions? Concerns? Comments?... Coffee?
Here's your chance to pick our brain on the challenges you have and how we can help you achieve your marketing goals

Thanks! We'll contact you soon.


Where to find us

Unit 303, 659 - 4 Ave N.E.
Calgary, AB
T2E 0J9

Email us At


Call us At

Phone: (403) 999-1264